Macaroni Grill

Recreating Days Gone By

Since its heyday in the ‘90s, various owners of Macaroni Grill watered down the concept’s original recipe. People forgot why they loved it and sales slipped. Now back to its original vision after many years, Macaroni Grill is inviting those who loved its menu and dining experience — along with a whole new generation — back to the table. Our Objective: Remind people of their warm feelings for the place and invite them to reignite their love.

Here’s to Generosity

We set out to reposition Macaroni Grill as the house generosity built — a place where you get so much more than a great meal. On TV, we romanticized the food and the experience. In outdoor and social, instead of saying Macaroni Grill is generous, we used visual devices to help insinuate it. Food and other objects literally extended beyond the boundaries of ads to convey the giving spirit that permeates the organization, the experience and staff.


Foundation for a Better Life

